
Friday 17 September 2010

Too much......

Ok... I am working overtime right now to make all ma dreams and aspirations come true, but I’m working on about 50 thousand things all at once lol... 
I got my business plan that I’m writing up... photo shoot I’m organising... designing business card (something funky fresh not some any old business cards from vistaprint lol) clients... if you could see what my diary looks like for the next month... its enough to give anyone grey hairs lol.. 

I have so many great ideas and I want them all to happen NOW!!! But come on now this is reality and it don’t work like that... so I thought I’d write you a short blog about what I’m doing... give myself a moment to breathe and just vent so i can think clearly and take my time and perfect one thing at a time..

So excited right now with all that happening... and can’t wait for salon international next month :D

Anyway... back to work....loving life right now!!

Peace, Love &Positivity xxx

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Elena Roxana Maria Fernandes

Elena Roxana Maria Fernandes